About NEXT Medical Device Innovation Center

[最終更新日 : 2020年3月30日]

Outline of NEXT

The NEXT Medical Device Innovation Center was established at the Center of New Surgical and Endoscopic Development for Exploratory Technology (NEXT) of the National Cancer Research Center Hospital East in May 2017 to accelerate the development of innovative medical devices based on clinical needs through cooperation among the industrial, academic, governmental, medical, and technical sectors. The Center promotes the development of medical devices in cooperation with corporate medical device developers, manufacturers, academia, and local communities while supporting development in clinical tests and drug trial fields. The Center will also contribute to human resource development by being the most advanced incubator in Japan and distribute new information.

From Doctor Konishi

The NEXT Medical Device Innovation Center was established in May 2017, and three years have already passed. The Center provides floor space for corporate and academic tenants. It is fully equipped with surgical/endoscopic training rooms and simulated operation rooms. Operation, ICU, and endoscopy rooms are located compactly in the NEXT building where the Center is placed. By leveraging these clinical sites and through close cooperation among various sectors, the Center has achieved an excellent track record. Altogether, it has executed 54 joint research agreements and welcomed 105 people from 55 companies visiting clinical sites for observation. By the end of January 2020, the Center held nine events including seminars and 114 corporate meetings with pharmaceutical and business people.

To continue to promote medical device development nationwide, the work of Hospital East alone will not suffice. It is essential for Hospital East to cooperate with other medical institutions and universities and to work alongside medical device manufacturers. Fortunately, Hospital East was chosen as the “Support Program on Collaborative Innovation Networks for Medical Device” by AMED in 2019. In the course of its cooperation, the Center will need to clarify its distinctive features more clearly. As the Center is located within Hospital East, it will establish facility environments where clinical needs are visible, timely clinical introduction is possible, many clinical staff are engaged in work, and a close relationship with clinical sites is provided. We would greatly appreciate your further cooperation. Thank you.

Director/NEXT Medical Device Innovation Center
  Masaru Konishi
February 2020